Playground Maintenance Guides

a park with colorful orange green and red slides

Download Supervision and Maintenance Guides

A well supervised and properly maintained playground offers continuous play opportunities for children. Your Play & Park Structures recreation consultant can provide professional development specifically designed to educate stakeholders in supervision and maintenance best practices. These valuable skills will allow your facility staff to provide a safer play environment and protect your investment. Download both the Playground Maintenance and Supervision Guides below.

Playground Maintenance 

In addition to providing peace of mind, a quality maintenance program can support many positive outcomes. Utilizing Play & Park Structures’ Playground Maintenance Guide will:

  • Help manage risk
  • Improve children’s play experiences
  • Control expenses




Playground Inspection & Maintenance Guidebook Cover
Play & Park Structures employee shaking hands with business partner

Playground Supervision

The importance of a qualified and caring playground supervisor frequently goes unnoticed by everyone except children. Play & Park Structures’ Playground Supervision Guide examines the impact a strong supervision plan can have on your playground by:

  • Identifying potential hazards
  • Helping to reduce injuries
  • Developing a pre-play site inspection plan