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Benefitting the Whole Child: Offering Inclusive Play Activities in Schools

Watson Inst.-057-2
Watson Inst.-061
Watson Inst.-025

Discover the benefits of inclusive play activities and how they can create a more inclusive and engaging environment for all students in your school.

Creating an Inclusive Play Environment

Creating an inclusive play environment in schools is essential for promoting diversity, fostering empathy, and ensuring that all students feel valued and included. By implementing inclusive play activities, schools can create a safe and supportive space where students of all abilities can participate and thrive.

One of the key aspects of creating an inclusive play environment is providing a wide range of accessible and inclusive play equipment. This includes ensuring that playgrounds are wheelchair accessible, providing sensory play areas for students with sensory processing needs, and offering adaptive sports equipment for students with physical disabilities. By offering a variety of options, schools can cater to the diverse needs and abilities of their students, allowing them to fully engage in play activities.

Children with disabilities can encounter challenges in their daily lives, particularly in terms of socialization. Unfortunately, children with disabilities may not share classes with their peers or participate in the same activities as others. Yet, socialization and building relationships can be crucial for emotional well-being.

Research shows socialization can be important for children with different abilities because it helps children learn to adapt to social conditions and situations. It also helps make children more socially aware and see their value in a social setting. Inclusive playground equipment encourages face-to-face or side-by-side play, which can motivate social interactions on the playground that carry through to other school-related activities.

Inclusive play activities also provide opportunities for students to develop important social and emotional skills. Through inclusive play, students can learn to communicate effectively, practice problem-solving, and develop resilience. By engaging in play activities that are inclusive and diverse, students can gain a better understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses, as well as those of their classmates. This promotes a sense of belonging and encourages the development of empathy and compassion.

When you take the time to align the outdoor play environment with best practices based on research, this shines a spotlight on community and school values. These playgrounds stand as proof that the school stakeholders are considerate enough to be mindful of all people, regardless of their limitations or abilities. By making sure that your playground equipment is accessible to children with all types of abilities, you become an example to model after, which spreads awareness within the community.